Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"Newbie Friendly" journal page 4

"This swap is fairly simple. Make a 5 inch by 7 inch journal page for your partner and send it out on time. This is 'sender's choice', BUT please do NOT send religious, political, sexual or gory pages.

This is sender's choice, so you can make it entirely an art journal page OR you can leave space for your partner to journal in. It would be nice to ask which your partner prefers, but if you want to get it started on it before partners are assigned, you may do whichever you prefer. Like I said, this is sender's choice.

Draw, paint, color, write, doodle, zentangle, collage, whatever. Just make sure it is 5 inches by 7 inches. Leave the back of the page blank so your partner can glue it into their own journal if they like."

So this what I received from my partner.

I totally forgot to take a picture before sending it off but hopefully will get one from my partner that received my journal page.

The page is titled "Pow".